Purposeful Living

  • You Can Do This!

    Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith. For the joy set before him he endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. Consider him who endured such opposition from sinners, so that you will not grow weary and lose heart.” – Hebrews 12:1-3

    Last week we talked about setting some faith goals that will help you seek the Lord and grow in our faith more this year. One thing I have found over the years is, that when you set out to accomplish a new goal, especially one that involves growing your faith, you must be prepared to face some difficulties and obstacles. Satan likes to get us off our game, especially when we are first starting out.

    When these obstacles come, it is easy for discouragement to set in and we give up before we really get started. Even with my best planned efforts, sometimes I get discouraged when the change I want doesn’t happen as fast or in the way I had hoped for. The author of the book of Hebrews seems to be speaking right into this type of situation. He is encouraging us with these verses in chapter 12 to not give up–the reward of our efforts will be worth it!

    When I start to get discouraged, I sometimes find encouragement from others who have gone before me. I can tell myself, “Hey, if my friend Suzie can do it, maybe I can too!” Knowing others have conquered something that I want to conquer helps me stay the course. Their victory over the finish line or through a difficulty, helps me remember that there is victory waiting for me too.

    Encouragement can only take us so far; we must also get serious about the goal. We need a steadfastness that says, “no matter what, I’m committed to making this happen.” Verse one says that we are to throw off everything (not some or just a little, but ev-er-y-thing!) that is hindering our faith and growth in the Lord, especially the sin that can entangle us like a vine and pull us away from God. Part of the “no matter what…” is to be willing to let God take away the things that are not helping us but hindering us in reaching our faith growth.

    Once we have removed what’s hindering our progress toward the goal, we persevere. We need perseverance because obstacles will appear in our path and we will sometimes lose sight of where we are headed. Things will be going well, and then you or someone in your family gets the flu or you go on vacation or you have out-of-town guests visiting and you get thrown off the path toward your goal. It’s in these challenges that we must rely on God’s strength and the encouragement of others to persevere when the going gets tough.

    We can overcome with perseverance when we have our eyes on the prize–stay focused on the goal. In the goal of faith, we keep our eyes set on Jesus. Not only is He our example but He is our guide. He has gone before us and endured more than we can possibly imagine but has made it to the other side, victoriously! He truly is the author and perfecter of our faith.

    So, while there may be times that you start to grow weary, do not give up. Stay the course and keep running that race to the finish line! You can do it–you got this! And more importantly, God’s got you!

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  • Seek the Lord in the New Year

    Glory in his holy name; let the hearts of those who seek the Lord rejoice. Look to the Lord and his strength; seek his face always.” – Psalm 105:3-4

    Okay, so we are now two weeks into the new year. If you are like me, you have set some new goals for yourself and started the new year super excited to achieve them. Maybe you’ve even been chanting, “This is the year!”

    For me, this is the year that I want to conquer early mornings! You see, I am not a morning person. My bed is warm and cozy and my eye lids would rather not open until the sun is up (which this time of year, is fairly late!). But for years now, I have had a desire to get up before my family and have some time in the early morning to spend with the Lord. I can picture it now: the house is quiet and peaceful, I’m sitting in my comfy chair by the fireplace, curled up in my fuzzy blanket, sipping on my chai tea while I’m spending time with my Lord.

    And, while, yes, over the years I have still found a way to make time with God happen, I have always looked longingly toward that early morning picture. It just seemed out of reach. I recently came to realize that the main thing that has gotten in the way of me achieving this goal, has been the “I can’ts”. The “I can’t get up that early because I just not a morning person.” Or the “I can’t function that early so I would be unproductive.”

    I am determined this year to stop limiting myself with the “I can’ts” and have the courage to say, “with God’s help, I can!” While I know it will be hard at first, with possibly many difficult, half-awake mornings, I believe that I can get to the other side and reach my goal of that vision I have for my mornings. I know that if I can persevere through the hard stuff at the beginning, I will get to the place where it isn’t so hard and I will reap the fruit of my persistence in seeking the Lord.

    Maybe you have set a goal to seek God more this year too. If you haven’t yet, what is one goal you can set that will help you grow in your faith and relationship with God this year? Whether it is to have time with God each day (even if it is only 15 min), to be in God’s Word, to pray more often, go to church consistently or finally check out that small group bible study, God will bless your efforts. Any goal that draws you closer to God is a good goal! And I have found that when I put my faith first, my other goals in life tend to fall into place as well.

    So, what is that one faith step that you have not taken because of the “I can’ts? If you are willing to trust God and give Him that “I can’t”, he will turn it into something beautiful. He will strengthen you to do what you didn’t think was possible and grow your faith in the process.

    I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength. Phil 4:13

    It is our hope that by the end of this year, you will be able to look back and see growth in your faith and a list of ways you have been stretched, trusted in God and experienced Him more fully. May you find joy in seeking the Lord this year!

    P.S. If you have a faith goal that you would like us to pray about for you, please email us or comment below and let us know. We would love to be praying and encouraging you in your walk of faith!

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  • Perfect Peace

    You will keep in perfect peace those whose minds are steadfast, because they trust in you.”

    Isaiah 26:3

    I don’t know about you, but when I wake up in the morning, my first thoughts are anything but peaceful. Like a rushing river, my mind is swirling with a million thoughts and worries–a financial crisis; a project at work I need to finish; a problem to solve; I’m running late and ran out of clean clothes; I’m having conflict with a family member; and what awful thing will I find out happened in the world when I turn on the TV or look at my phone?

    For many of us, these thoughts come flooding in the moment we open our eyes. This is precisely when we must stop, be still, and welcome God’s presence into the midst of our crazy. His presence brings a perfect peace as we dwell there, as we trust in Him with each part of our day.

    So as you go about your morning routine, allow your mind to stay focused on Christ. Give him all those things that flood your mind; all your worries, doubts and fears, give him your busy day and all your tasks. As we do that, we are putting our trust in Him to work in these things and carry our burdens. Only then do we get to receive the perfect peace that comes through trust in our Savior.

    When we acknowledge his presence at the beginning of each day, we get the blessing of experiencing his peace throughout our days. How would your day go differently if you took time each morning to recognize his presence and keep your mind focused on his perfect peace?

    Lord Jesus, we welcome your presence in my lives each and every day. May we think of you first when we open our eyes. We know you are here with us right now and we give this day and all its challenges to you.

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  • Running Together

    Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith. For the joy set before him he endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. Consider him who endured such opposition from sinners, so that you will not grow weary and lose heart.”

    Hebrews 12:1-3

    Have you ever been in a race before, whether it was competitive or just for fun? Or even a hike with an awesome destination at the end? You start out with lots of excitement and energy but somewhere along the way, you begin to get tired and lose steam. What started out as smoothly, begins to get rough as you start taking it one step at a time. Along the way in life, we can feel like this too. This life has its ups and downs and twist and turns, but we keep walking forward in faith.

    When we encounter times where walking forward is difficult, remember, just like the sidelines of a race, we too have a crowd cheering us on. We can look to those who have gone before us in faith. We can look ahead and see how they have made it through the finish line and know that we can too. Isn’t it amazing how the example of others can give us hope and spur us on to keep going? We have our friends, family and community of believers to rally around us and encourage us.

    As I read this section of the book of Hebrews, I almost can picture the author like the coach who is giving us a pep talk halfway through our race. He says, “You can do it! Keep going and don’t let anything get in your way of finishing the work God is doing in you through faith.”

    So how do we keep from getting off track? The coach in Hebrews gives us three ways:

    1. Throw off, get rid of, actively get away from all the things in your life that keep you from living the life God has for you. Maybe you are carrying a heavy burden that you need to give to the Lord because it is slowing you down and making you weary. Maybe you are stuck in a trap of sin that has entangled you. Sometimes something as small as anger or bitterness toward someone can take root like a vine across our path and cause us to stumble. This where we need to do a heart check. What’s been creeping in that shouldn’t be there? Bitterness, doubt, fear, pride? All of these things keep us focused in the wrong place (ourselves and our present circumstances).
    2. Keep our eyes fixed on Jesus, looking always toward him. He is waiting at the finish line and is the one who will help us get there. He knows what it is like to face trials and difficulties in this life and yet he ran the race with joy. He can help you too! If you are running a race and you start looking to the right or the left instead of in front of you, you will either start running in that direction or you may end up flat on your face. Either way, you won’t get to where you are supposed to be. The best way to stay focused on the finish line is by staying close to Jesus in prayer and by reading God’s word.
    3. We don’t just have the people who have gone before us, but we have the community of believers that we need to embrace and to encourage us. Seek to be be surrounded by those who live also by faith whether through a small community group at your church or with a couple of close friends. Allow them to run alongside you. “Two are better than one, for if one falls, they can pick the other up.” (Ecclesiastes 4:9-10)

    We each have a different path to run, a different story God is working out, but we all have the same finish line. The one that ends in the arms of the Father. Jesus is there to guide us through this life toward the finish line. He knows the way to true life, because He is the Way, the Truth and the Life.

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  • Pirate or Princess?

    Did you know that September 19th is International Talk Like a Pirate Day? It all started back in the 90’s when a couple of fellas in Albany, Oregon would insult each other like pirates when they played racquetball together. So they declared this day “Talk Like a Pirate Day.” Not much later, comedian Dave Barry heard about it somehow and it took off. Now even the restaurant Long John Silver’s offers free treats to commemorate what may be the goofiest international day ever.

    Having all boys in my family, this a fun one for us. Something about referring to meal times as “time to put grub in ye gullet” or telling the boys to “swab the deck in yonder galley” is fun. It’s entertaining to put on a silly persona and walk around in it for a little bit.

    But what if the persona were real? What if there was a talk like a princess day? I’m not talking about Disney princesses (although if I can get woodland critters to clean my house while I sing, I will count it as a total win). Instead, what if we talked and lived like actual royalty, like daughters of not just any king, but the King Most High?

    1 John 3:1 says “See what great love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God! And that is what we are!”

    God loves us so much he calls us his children and co-heirs with Christ (Romans 8:14).

    On my best days, I remember to live in this identity. I embrace my calling to live in relationship with my Heavenly Father. I’m lost in His grace and love, and marvel that He chooses me, just as I am, but doesn’t leave me there. He shapes me to be more like him, to represent Him as a member of His family. By the power of the Holy Spirit, I walk and talk like a Daughter of the King.

    Being royalty also comes with responsibility. In Colossians 4:6 we are reminded “Let your conversation be always full of grace, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how to answer everyone.”

    It’s harder to live this out when I am feeling tired, busy, hangry or anxious. When I’m hard-pressed for patience, it’s challenging to walk and talk like a princess instead of a pirate. My husband and kids do not always get my best, in fact on my worst days they get distracted, distant or short-tempered. When I am operating on my own strength and my own discernment, I find that I can’t muster grace when it is required or have an answer that will preserve and add good flavor to the conversation the way salt does to food. I find that I carry myself in a manner that is less than what God has invited me to–because I’m trying to do it all on my own.

    When I intentionally slow down and spend time with the One who made me, I remember the Princess that I am in Him. He fills my heart with peace and wisdom so that I can discern between what seems urgent and what is truly important. By the power of the Holy Spirit, I can speak life to my family and friends. Not only does my outlook change but even my countenance is lifted. Allowing God’s love to permeate my mind, restores my soul and my true identity in Christ. I can once again see the great love that He lavishes on me as his child. And I believe once again, that is who I am.

    As you go once more into the fray, and the day seems to be running you instead of the other way around, when you find you are talking more like a pirate instead of a princess, stop and reevaluate. Are you leaning on your own strength and wisdom or on the infinite love and wisdom of the Most High King? Dear friend slow down and let Him care for you. Spend time with Him in prayer and worship and be reminded of who you are in Him. And when your cup is full, share it with others. Let Jesus be seen in your joy and in how you talk, full of grace and seasoned with good things.

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  • Renewed Vision

    They came to Bethsaida, and some people brought a blind man and begged Jesus to touch him. He took the blind man by the hand and led him outside the village. When he had spit on the man’s eyes and put his hands on him, Jesus asked, “Do you see anything?”

    He looked up and said, “I see people; they look like trees walking around.”

    Once more Jesus put his hands on the man’s eyes. Then his eyes were opened, his sight was restored, and he saw everything clearly.” – Mark 8:22-25

    Have you ever felt blind to what God is doing in your life and the world around you? Do you ever wish you could put on God-vision glasses and see where God is working around you and see what He sees. I know I want to see the world and others the way He sees them. Many times we just need a renewed vision to be able to see clearly how God is working around us.

    Just like in this story of a blind man, we start to receive this renewed vision by seeking after God. The best way to have God-vision is to spend time with God. Through this time, we are given fresh perspective and a new outlook. God-vision allows us to see our circumstances through the eyes of hope; it helps us see those around us through the eyes of unconditional love.

    Through the vision God gives us, we can always see goodness and hope in even the bleakest situation. As we look at our circumstance or situation through God-vision, it will keep us from being overcome by disappointment, discouragement or negativity. If we can recognize that God is always at work in everyone and everything, then there is always hope to be found.

    As we seek God in every moment of our days, we can ask, “What is it God that you want me to say or do? What should I be aware of in this moment or situation?”

    Whether we are currently spiritually blind or just not seeing clearly, Jesus is the answer! Allow him to restore your spiritual sight as you walk by faith, so that you may clearly see the world through His eyes.

    Lord, give me eyes to see you and how you are working. Help me be willing to respond to your call in each moment and have God-vision. Keep my heart soft and moldable. Renew my vision and help to see myself and others are you see us–your beloved children!

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  • Living At Peace With Everyone?

    “If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone.”
    Romans 12:18

    I can be a real grump. Not intentionally, but I find there is a limit to my patience and tolerance for certain shenanigans. There are times that I feel hard pressed to get along whether because of dealing with a difficult person, or navigating my own insecurities. Either way, it triggers a lack of empathy and perspective. I can become inwardly focused and tone deaf to the needs of the people around me. To further complicate things, my mom is from the south and I am also Latina, so on the outside I will look calm and composed and say something like “Bless your heart” but on the inside I am ready to take off my earrings and throw down. It’s a challenging thing to balance.

    As a daughter of God Most High however, I am called to do whatever is in my power to live at peace with everyone. Everyone? Surely, that is not what the Lord means! I mean, some people can be downright impossible at times!

    I don’t believe I am alone in this. As humans, we all bump up against our own selfishness and have to buffer it with the grace and humility that Christ calls us to. There are a million different scenarios that can be tough and they’re not always directly related to conflict. Being in new or uncomfortable social settings, feeling insecure, being nervous about a test or presentation, all of these can get us thinking inwardly.

    Jesus literally endured the impossible because he knew who he was, where he came from and where he was going. We have that same benefit. We are God’s beloved daughters. He has redeemed our past and set us on a new path with Him, headed toward a beautiful future where conflict and heartache are no more. Our past, present and future are secure in His hands, therefore we are secure.

    In this truth, I am freed to look at things through the eyes of Christ. The verse says to live at peace, as far as it depends on you. I may not always have the right words to resolve a conflict, or know how to be still when I’m feeling insecure, but I know how to point to Jesus.

    I can ask myself, “How can I show the love of Jesus in this situation?” That IS within my control, that IS in my power, and through the Holy Spirit, I can model Jesus’ love in any situation. Because of who I am in Christ, success is redefined. It no longer matters if I’m perfect, only if my actions point to the One who is. And suddenly, the peace that passes understanding washes over me because I’m back on mission, doing what Jesus would do.

    We can remind ourselves who we are, and then ask, “How can I show the love of Christ here?” Maybe that looks like comforting someone else who is nervous too, or letting the joy of the Lord shine through as you speak. Perhaps it is staying silent when you are angry, until you can speak in love instead.

    While we cannot control other people, how we handle conflict can open the door for God to change hearts and lives. We can continue to walk forward with a clear conscience that we did what was in our power; having the confidence that prayer and the grace of God will cover the rest.

    In whatever situation you find yourself, may you step out boldly in faith, assured of who you are as a daughter of the King, and ready to show the love of Jesus.

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  • Be Strong and Courageous and Do The Work

    Have you ever felt in over your head? Ever taken a step of faith not knowing if the ground was still really there beneath your feet? Maybe you were thrust into a position where you had to figure things out to avoid catastrophe. I think King David’s son Solomon, probably felt like this more than once.

    Let me set the scene…King David, though far from being a perfect King, was still a man after God’s own heart. In his later years, his crowning achievement would be commissioning the building of the Temple of God. David’s heart’s desire was to build a house for the ark of the covenant. The temple was to be more than just a lovely sight to take in or a hub for the community to worship, it was to be the very dwelling place of the Lord. The plans had been given to David by God through the Holy Spirit and it was an enormous undertaking.

    Because David was a warrior and had shed blood, God had determined that David’s son Solomon would be the one to build the temple. As David nears the end of his life, he commissions Solomon to build the temple, as God had instructed. Before all of the people, David encourages Solomon, the future king of Israel, to listen to God and follow his ways. Then David turns to Solomon and says,

    “Be strong and courageous, and do the work. Do not be afraid or discouraged, for the Lord God, my God, is with you. He will not fail you or forsake you until all the work for the service of the temple of the Lord is finished.”

    1 Chronicles 28:20 NIV

    This reference of scripture is also seen in Deuteronomy 31:6 when Joshua is being appointed by Moses to be his successor and lead the Israelites. I think it is no coincidence that David is quoting this particular scripture to his son.

    Though, what’s different here is one little line…Be strong, courageous and Do. The. Work.

    I cannot tell you how many times I have sat motionless in my anxiety telling myself “be strong and courageous and do not be afraid”. And there are times when that is both appropriate and necessary. There are seasons when we need to be still and let God fight the battle for us.

    But there are also times I need someone to come along side me, pull me up off the ground and remind me to there’s work that can be done. Waiting on the Lord is often continuing to do the last set of instructions you received, until you get new ones. It is working actively with what you have in front of you. God is faithful to equip us with exactly what we need. He brings people into our lives to fortify us, encourage and help us. I hope that you hear these words as coming from that friend who lovingly takes you by the hand and helps lift you up off the ground so you can stand, strong and ready.

    “But what,” you may ask, “does this look like in present-day times when the task is not building a temple, but folding yet another load of laundry thanklessly, or clipping coupons to make ends meet? How do we do the work when the thing before us just seems too daunting?”

    It will look different for each one of us. We all have tasks in our lives, some joyous, some tedious, and some completely overwhelming. The charge that King David gave to his son and to the people of Israel still rings true for us today. Listen to God, follow his ways, be strong and courageous and do the work. We dig deep, lean into the strength God gives through the Holy Spirit and step forward. The promise? God is with us, and he will never leave us. We need not fear. He will help us see this through and give us joy.

    So mama, weave prayers for your children into the folding of socks. If you are in a position to encourage and mentor others, or to speak truth in love, use your voice! If the path ahead is long with no end in sight, look for the next step right in front of you. The point is, in every season, we are all called and equipped to do good works, but we’re never alone. We don’t have to be afraid, God himself will lead us and not forsake us.

    Lean into Him. Be strong. Be courageous. And let’s do the work.

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  • Choose Joy

    We all have that friend who just always seems happy and content with the world. She seems unruffled by adversity and undaunted by the challenges of life. You simultaneously want to hug her and smack her because she’s so stinking loveable.

    I have a friend just like this. Despite battling and overcoming breast cancer and juggling everything else in life like kids and work and marriage, she always has a smile on her face and peace in her heart. She radiates the joy of the Lord.

    The Lexham Bible Dictionary defines joy as being “closely related to gladness and happiness, although joy is more a state of being than an emotion; a result of choice. One of the fruits of the Spirit. Part of the experience of being a Christian.”

    This definition of joy is so full of hope and promise. While joy is related to happiness, it is also very different. We have a choice to experience joy regardless of our circumstances, because our joy has its foundation firmly in Christ. As Christians we know that we are beloved by our Heavenly Father who works all things out for good, for those who love Him.(Romans 8:28) We are confident that we are more than conquerors of the obstacles inner lives, and that nothing can separate us from the love of God. (Romans 8:37-39) Our situation and circumstances will change, but God’s love for us does not, and that gives us great joy.

    It is important to know that having joy is not simply pretending to be happy when you are not, or “faking it till you make it”. We don’t have to manufacture joy on our own. Joy is a fruit of the Holy Spirit working in our lives. Time spent with God through reading the Bible, prayer, worship and fellowship changes our thinking and aligns our priorities with God’s.

    Galatians 5:22-23 talks about the evidence, or fruit, of the Holy Spirit at work in us. “But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self control.” None of these things are qualities we can conjure out of thin air. Rather they are a gift and a byproduct of living a Spirit-filled life.

    So what does that look like on the ground, in action? There are moments throughout our day when we can lean into God and experience true and lasting joy. It may be writing notes of gratitude, or listing our blessings. We can focus on truth instead of the lies the world tries to sell us. We can choose to turn our gaze outward and help someone else in need. We can be living proof of a loving God, in a world desperate to see Him up close.

    Each day we have an opportunity to choose joy. What will you choose today?

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  • Can you imagine with us?

    Imagine having total confidence in who you are, secure in where you’ve come from and in where you are going. Life can be hard, chaotic and confusing. Its easy for us to lose sight of who we are and who we are supposed to be, and lose our joy in the process. We can end up feeling numb, having lost our passion for life and for God. The truth is, that God is here, pursuing us. He gently reminds us that we have a divine purpose. We want women everywhere to find their passion again as they embrace their identity as God’s daughters. It is in this identity that they are revived, and their passion and purpose are made clear in the power of Christ.

    Everyday we hear from women who are longing for this kind of life. They long for community with others who love and care for them, they desire significance and purpose, they want to feel empowered to make a difference in their world.

    Revive Ministries was born out of a vision to see all women know who they are in Christ and to live the abundant life God has called them–a life full of love, meaning, hope and joy!

    In the next post we will be sharing what we are doing at Revive Ministries to achieve this mission, as well as hearing from some women whom the ministry has impacted as God has worked in their lives. Stay tuned!

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