Walking with the Light of the World

As a Latina living in the Pacific Northwest, I often joke with my husband around this time of year that my DNA is not equipped for these cold and rainy, dark winters. While I love a good rain storm where I can curl up by the fire with a giant mug of coffee and work on my latest crochet project, the romanticism quickly wears off when I have to make a run to the grocery store and actually brave the elements.
Especially after the hustle and bustle of the holidays fades, it can be easy to feel like we’re staring down a long, dreary winter ahead. I think that’s true for a lot of people this time of year. Whether the long, dark winter is literal or metaphorical, we can find ourselves longing for both daylight and God’s light.
I had a realization, on the winter solstice which ironically is the shortest day of the year. We only had about eight hours of daylight, and as I inwardly lamented the lack of rays, I also realized that from that moment on, each day would be progressively brighter. I was flooded with hope and relief at this temporal “landmark” that signaled a shift not just in our daylight hours, but in my heart posture as well.
I had just read John 8:12 that day, and was reminded that whatever the source of the darkness, we have unlimited access to the ultimate source of Light.
As we abide in Christ and walk with Him in our daily lives, He renews our minds, restores our joy and refreshes our hope. And because God himself is the light, there is no darkness that can overcome it. (John 1:5) His light never flickers, fades, or fails. Its brilliance is not dependent on our power, resourcefulness, or strength and there are no circumstances that can diminish its glow. To live in this light, we need only to follow Jesus.
Over and over, God has proven to me that time spent in the light of His presence and truth will sustain me in any season. When I spend time reading the Bible and see how God interacts with His people with love and tender mercy, I’m reminded that He shows me that same love and tenderness. When I bring my heart to Him in prayer, I am transformed to be more like Him. I begin to see my circumstances from His eternal perspective instead of my own limited view. When I get together with other Christians at church, or for coffee throughout the week, I’m encouraged and bolstered in my faith as we share how God is working in our lives. As I invite Jesus into what I am doing each day, I am reminded of God’s goodness and grace, and I experience His love more fully, regardless of the season or circumstance.
With the New Year comes new opportunities to reframe our winter ahead. Maybe you are facing the darkness of the post-holiday “meh’s”, or battling the literal rain and gloom outside your window. It could be that you are going through a season of hard transition, grief or disappointment.
Whatever the source of the darkness, it can never overcome or outlast the light of our God who is walking with you now. Jesus, the Light of the World, our Prince of Peace, sees you, knows you and loves you with a love like no other.
So as you stand on the edge of 2025, I want to encourage you to pick one or two things that you can do each day to spend time with God and realign your heart with His truth. It could be spending a few minutes reading your Bible and jotting down what stands out to you. Or talking to God and inviting Him to walk with you as you go through your day. It may be texting a friend to ask for prayer, and seeing how you can pray for them, or starting a new Bible study to help you know and experience God’s character on a deeper level.
Whatever the season, wherever you are in your faith journey, I pray that you would lift your eyes up to Him, wrap up in His love, and lean into the light and life He offers. May He bless you, sustain and encourage you, and help you flourish in your faith this year, and in the years to come.