Celebrating the Light of the World

I live in the Pacific Northwest and this time of year it is dark and dreary most of the time in the winter. Combine that with living in a world that can be full of hard things and difficult situations, it can leave us longing for there to be more to this life (and a longing for the sunshine to return!). I find this time of year to be a mix of joyful longing and weary expectation.
That’s why I love that Christmas is right in the middle of this dark and dreary time of the year. It is a time when we spend a whole season remembering that Hope came to the earth in the form of a little baby. God sent his only son into the world to be the hope we are all longing for.
I love reading the Christmas story with my kids each year. We curl up on the couch in front of the fireplace each night before bed, all cozy in our fuzzy blankets and jammies, and read about when our Lord came to earth as a baby (out of his great love for us) to bring us hope and joy and peace.
We read the Christmas story every year to help remind us of the day Hope arrived on this earth to bring us everlasting joy and peace, and to be the Light in this dark world that we so desperately need.
Part of the story we love to read about is the first miracle birth in the Christmas story, the story of Zechariah, his wife Elizabeth and their miracle baby, John.
“And you, my child, will be called a prophet of the Most High; for you will go on before the Lord to prepare the way for him, to give his people the knowledge of salvation through the forgiveness of their sins, because of the tender mercy of our God, by which the rising sun will come to us from heaven to shine on those living in darkness and in the shadow of death, to guide our feet into the path of peace.”
Luke 1:76-79
These words were spoken by Zechariah, filled with the Holy Spirit, when he saw his miracle child. Zechariah was a priest, and he and his wife, Elizabeth, had just given birth to their son, named John. Zechariah and Elizabeth had been childless for many years and were well past child-bearing age when this miracle happened to them.
John was the one prophesied to come before Jesus and was sent to prepare a way for Him, announcing His coming. Up to this point, the whole world had been waiting in the darkness for the light of hope to come. This story ushers us into the very beginning of the Christmas story–a story of when the light of the world came to “guide our feet into the path of peace”, to bring us hope in salvation and forgiveness of sin. John’s role was to point to Jesus and go ahead of him, giving the people hope that the one whom they have been waiting for, for so many years, is finally here!
In this verse (Luke 1:79) Jesus was called “the rising sun”, because he came to shine light into the darkness, in order to guide us into his peace. It’s a reminder that if we allow the light of Jesus to illuminate the dark places in our life, the peace of Christ will come to us and replace all fear and doubt with rest and assurance. Just like the Christmas lights lit up all over town that bring a bright hopefulness to the darkness of Winter, these words from Luke are a reminder that Jesus came to be the light of the world.
We no longer have to live in darkness, lost in sin, fear, and hopelessness. Because of Jesus, we can experience the long-awaited hope, peace and joy we long for, all year long.
In the Christmas song “O Holy Night,” the second line says: “Long lay the world, in sin and error, pining. ’Til He appeared, and the soul felt its worth.” This line is so amazing! It is in the moment that Jesus is born, when He appears in the world, that our soul recognizes its worth. How wonderful that God would become flesh for us–to exchange heaven for earth and endure hardship, pain, loss and all this broken world offers. But He came for us! God’s great love sent Jesus for our sake because we are His beloved.
God loves us infinitely more than we can comprehend. He has wonderful things in store for us that we cannot even imagine; the likes of which we have never seen or heard. If you are facing a season of darkness in your life right now that feels a little hopeless, it is my prayer that you will know that God is with you and He sent His son to bring you hope and fullness of life. Turn your gaze toward Him and allow His light to permeate every corner of your life. He will lead you toward the path of peace, hope and everlasting joy!
Father God, we are filled with such joy on this Christmas day knowing that you brought to us the best gift of all–Jesus! Thank you for your great love for us and for sending your Son to redeem us. We are filled with such joy over the good news of Christ! We ask that you help us see the areas of our lives where we need your light to shine forth in darkness. Bring your everlasting peace to our hearts and souls, replacing all fear and doubt, and helping us point others to you, the Prince of Peace. We long for true peace that comes only through your son, Jesus Christ. Amen.