It’s been a minute since we updated you on our Bible Studies being sent to women around the world!
In December 2023 and January of this year, we sent a total of 150 Bible studies to Africa! Over 50 different congregations in Uganda, Kenya, Mombasa, Nairobi, and beyond received copies of Royal: Finding Your Identity in Christ to share with their congregations, families, and communities.
Since then we have been amazed and humbled as God is already doing more than we could have dreamed! Not long after the Bible studies arrived in Kenya, we started getting updates on the various women and churches who are growing in God’s Word through this study:
Sister Shore, this is just a short update. I am having a good and fruitful trip so far. We’ve been visiting three local congregations a day and as of yesterday, we have had 19 souls putting on Christ. Today we will be visiting a congregation with halfway deaf brethren. Also, I’ll be sharing with the deaf women. They can read English luckily enough. The ladies were happy to receive the Finding Your Identity in Christ gospel material and they’re going to study with women in their congregations -Brother Martin

A sister who is a widow in a congregation I visited in December reported about her work with sharing your studies with other widows and ladies in the area. Such wonderful news. She uses the study material and the Bible to teach and encourage them. It’s such a wonderful joy to know that they are making use of the lessons. Pray for them! These women live difficult lives. Some go without food and medical attention but are glad they can have time to come study and get encouraged. -Brother Martin

Beatrice (left) & Jennifer (center) are school administrators from Missions of Hope International Area 2 School, in Mathare Valley, Nairobi. They received 50 copies of the Identity in Christ Bible study and have started a study with teachers at the school!

After sending the first round of Bible Studies, we wanted to create a version that is culturally relevant to women in Africa. We are so thankful to our friends at Village of Hope in Uganda for helping us update the study. The new version is called Daughter of God: Finding Your Identity In Christ, and will better connect with the culture and experiences that women in Africa face. We have also included the full scriptures (instead of just references) throughout the study so that those without Bibles can have the Word of God at their fingertips. Today our friend, Cindy, is traveling to Uganda with the new version and will share it with the women at Village of Hope.
We had no idea who would receive the copies of the Bible studies. But God did. He saw the widows group that needed encouragement. He saw the deaf women who may have never heard His spoken Word, but now are reading His words of love, and how they are beautifully and wonderfully made. God saw the teachers at the Missions of Hope school and as these teachers serve and lead their students, they can be reminded of who they are in Christ, and be living examples of Jesus’ love. God sees the women at Village of Hope and meets them in their need, through His people and through His Word.
While women in Africa are going through the Identity in Christ Bible study, this week we also started going through it online with a group of almost 80 women from all over the United States. It has been incredible knowing that as we do this study, we are not just united with the ladies here, but also across the continents. We are all studying God’s Word together, as daughters in His Kingdom.
Please join us in praying for all these women, that they will:
- Know and experience God’s love and grow in their faith as they learn who they are in Christ.
- Learn how they are uniquely gifted and have a place and a purpose in the Kingdom of God.
- Be empowered by the Holy Spirit to boldly live out their faith.
And please pray for us as we continue to follow God’s calling to share His Word with women worldwide—may He be glorified!