Summer Shore

Summer Shore is co-founder of Revive Ministries, a writer, speaker, and co-host of the Experience Revival podcast. She has been an on-air personality in Christian radio for 6 years, and has been speaking and teaching for 18 years, using humor and real-life experiences to connect with women, speak to their hearts and draw them closer to God. She also enjoys singing and leading worship whenever she can. 

Summer and her husband, Jake, have been married for over 20 years and live in Corvallis, Oregon. They have 3 boys that keep them on their toes! Summer loves spending time traveling and going on adventures with her family, especially if it involves going to her favorite Cuban restaurant.


Growing up, you may have heard the song, “Jesus loves me, this I know”, but how do we get from knowing Jesus loves us, to believing it and experiencing it at the heart level? Through scriptures and stories, you’ll:

  • Learn God’s intentional design for us to be in relationship with Him and how our life experiences can affect our view of God.
  • Discover a more accurate view of God’s love based on His character we see unfolded in Scripture
  • Begin to see yourself more accurately, through the lens of God’s great love for you, and how you can live as God’s beloved in your everyday life.

We all want to feel like we have a purpose in life, that there’s more to life than the everyday grind. We want to matter and know that we are created uniquely for a reason. Through this talk, you’ll learn:

How God has created you beautifully and uniquely for meaningful and life giving purposes.
Gain practical tools as you learn to identify your gifts
Learn how to use your unique gifts and character qualities to serve God and others.

Seasons of change can be difficult, especially when you don’t see it coming. Job changes, loss and grief, moving, or family changes can all leave you feeling like you don’t have a clear purpose. Summer shares her story about how her life changed dramatically overnight, leaving her family reeling with mixed emotions and a lot of questions. Through her story, you’ll:

Learn what the Bible says about change and why we really can trust in God
Hear how God is faithful to guide us through, and plans ahead for us, even when we cannot
Learn to see things from an eternal perspective and how you too can find your purpose, even in the midst of change.

Each of us has a unique story to tell. By itself, our story is merely words, conveying facts about who we are, what we’ve done, and things we’ve said. But the moment Jesus breaks into our story, He transforms our ordinary details into a powerful testimony. As we take a look at the life of Mary Magdalene, you’ll:
See how Jesus turned Mary’s ordinary story into a testimony of God’s never-ending faithfulness
Learn how we are a part of God’s greater story and how Jesus at work in your life can have an impact in the Kingdom
Expereince the love of Christ in new ways as we lean into the Scriptures to find confident hope for today and for the future.

We live in a “hustle-hard” culture that tells us that we have to do all things well and look good doing it. The pressure to be the masters of our own destinies with Instagram worthy lives can be crushing and lead to massive burn-out. But God intends better for His children. Summer shares from her own experiences and from Scripture so that you can:
Learn to stop striving and breathe again
Learn how to lean on God for wisdom, guidance and strength as you set healthy boundaries
Begin to see things from an eternal perspective and be empowered by the Holy Spirit to live an abundant life in Christ and truly soar.

We’ve heard that God loves us, but do we always feel worthy of that love? Many of us walk around feeling alone, or unworthy of meaningful relationships with God and those close to us. We struggle to connect in authentic and vulnerable ways, fearful that if people really knew us, they would not love us. We want to help you truly understand:

God values you and wants you to know your true worth in Him, no matter what you have done, said or experienced
The difference between guilt and shame and how they impact how we see ourselves and others.
How to realign your perspective with Scripture and what God says is true about you.
Your worth in Christ as God’s beloved daughter.

Confidence is a hot topic and the world has plenty to say about how to feel and act more confidently. But true, lasting confidence is more than just pop culture, self-help. We need a different kind of confidence that cannot be shaken. In this talk, Summer shares humor and scripture to help you learn the difference between “self-confidence” and “God-confidence”, what God says about who we are, and how He sees us, and what Scripture says about confidence and what God-confidence looks like.

Ever felt that deep longing for God to come and make everything right again? To finally feel free from the weight of sin and pain and suffering, and to see His glory at work in the world around you? In this keynote session, Summer shares how we are made for more than struggling and striving to survive. You’ll learn more about the holy and divine purpose that God has created you for and how because of Jesus, we can not only stand firm and steadfast in the storms of life, we can be a living testimony of God’s power, redemption and grace.

Revival is spreading in the hearts of God’s people everywhere. It’s time for us to awaken to God’s powerful presence and join him in what He’s doing to bring renewal and revival to the world around us! During this talk, we will discover what we have in common with a man named Lazarus and a little girl in ancient Capernaum. You’ll leave encouraged, empowered, and equipped to boldly live out a confident faith that shines like the dawn in the world around you.


Learn more about inviting Summer to your event!