Melissa Campbell
Melissa Campbell is a co-founder and director of Revive Ministries, an author, speaker, and co-host of the Experience Revival Podcast. Melissa has a Master’s degree in Theological Studies from the Austin Graduate School of Theology and spent 12 years church planting in Oregon with her husband, Jason. She has over 20 years of experience in ministry, leadership development, event planning, and small-group discipleship. Melissa is on staff at Northwest Christian Church. She enjoys hiking and kayaking the Pacific Northwest with her husband and two teenage daughters. Melissa has a passion for helping others experience God’s kingdom and desires to equip God’s people for their calling.
So often we want to experience the joy of being a part of something bigger than ourselves, something that makes a difference in the world and in the Kingdom of God. But fear and doubt creep in and whisper convincing lies in our heads that keep us from walking into our calling. As we take a deeper look at Esther’s story, we will learn the power behind prayerfully saying “yes” when God calls. Her story will empower us to leave fear and doubt behind and exchange them for boldness and confidence in Christ!
There are times in life when we cannot see what God is up to and how he is working in our situation. It can be hard to hold on to hope when the situation before us seems impossible. But confident hope knows that even when we cannot see the outcome yet, we can have confidence in God’s good future for us.
Do you believe that God loves you? I mean really loves you, as you are right now? When we see ourselves through the eyes of Christ, we begin to experience God’s love and that changes everything. Understanding how much we are loved by God is foundational to our identity and how we interact with the world around us. As we allow God to be the defining relationship in our lives, we find our confidence in His love for us. Learn how to bring your heart, imperfections, scars and all to Jesus and truly experience the love of God.
When our identity is firmly established in Jesus, it changes everything. It shapes every decision, every relationship, and our how we respond in every circumstance. Through this talk we explore the source of our identity, how we define ourselves and what the Bible says about who we truly are.
There is a peace and freedom that can be found in surrendering and trusting in the Lord. Sometimes the weight of our circumstances and the burdens of this world can make us feel overwhelmed and hopeless. But there is a joyful freedom and an indescribable peace when we release the outcome of our situation to the Lord, trusting that with Him, we will always be okay. Learn hear how we can stand firm in this world and in our circumstances, no matter what we are facing.
Do you desire a deeper prayer life and connection to God? Discover how you can cultivate a deeper relationship with God through a daily rhythm of prayer. What we think of when we think of God affects how we see him and our approach to prayer. In this session, we will learn how we can approach the throne of Grace with confidence through having an accurate view of God and of ourselves, dispelling the inner shame critic, and discovering different ways to incorporate a rhythm of prayer into your life that will deepen your connection to God and increase your faith.